What are


A stock is a type of security that signifies proportionate ownership in the issuing corporation. This entitles the stockholder to that proportion of the corporation’s assets and earnings.

0 k+
0 m+
Success Rate
0 %

How does it


Stock markets are where individual and institutional investors come together to buy and sell shares in a public venue. Nowadays these exchanges exist as electronic marketplaces. Share prices are set by supply and demand in the market as buyers and sellers place orders.

Changes since

last year

Rising Capital 90%
Listing Shares 80%
Stock Exchange 78%
Stock Supply 82%
Stock Demand 85%

The Clients We Work For

Datam was started with a common goal of serving the finance community while they make transitions. All our team members bring to table their unique expertise and experience of stock market which they would like to pass on to future investors.

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Ottawa, Canada

 :+1 7777777777